Learn the Basics of Programming

Hello everyone! I know all of you are itching to learn how to program, but do you even know what the basics are? Today, I'm here to help you all learn about the basics of programming before you dive deeper into the world of programming.

Before we start, do you not want to read about the topic and just want to hear someone explain the whole topic while doing something in the background? Watch the video below:

First off, let's talk about the different types of programming languages. There are two types of programming languages, one is called "low-level language," and the other is "high-level language." Here is a brief explanation of the differences between the two:

Low-level language
  • Codes are written using machine language, which consists of binary (e.g., 1100110, 1101011) or assembly language which is written using mnemonics (e.g., ADD, STO).
  • It is hard to learn.
  • Examples of low-level language: machine language, assembly language.

High-level language
  • Codes are written using natural language like English and utilize keywords such as return, double, catch, else, etc.
  • Most software applications and websites are made using high-level programming languages, as it is easier to learn and code.
  • Examples of high-level languages: Java, SQL, Python, PHP.

Moving on, let's talk about the programming cycle. So, what is a programming cycle? It is a problem-solving technique that is used to solve problems. But why do we need the programming cycle? Well, finding a solution to a problem isn't that easy, and as a programmer, we need to carefully plan the solution before acting on it to make sure there's no error when giving answers to those problems. Here are the common problem-solving steps in making a program:
  1. Analysis: analyze the problem and acquire the requirements to solve the problem.
  2. Design: design an algorithm to solve the problem.
  3. Implementation: apply the design using a programming language.
  4. Execution: test if the provided solution works as intended.
Speaking of problem-solving techniques, we have to talk about these common algorithmic design tools known as algorithm, pseudocode, and flowchart. First, let me talk about the algorithm. An algorithm is a type of problem-solving technique that is used to list down the steps of how to do a certain task while written while making use of natural language. 

Example of  an algorithm.

Next is pseudocode; same with algorithm but it is written with a mix of programming language. Pseudocode is used to interpret the algorithm in a programming manner. So, how does pseudocode mix natural language and programming language together? Well, here's how:
  • Keywords are used, such as PRINT, READ, WRITE, SET, etc.
  • Different operators such as arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /), assignment operators (=), comparison operators (=, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥), and logical operators (&&, ||).

Example of pseudocode.

Lastly, there's the flowchart. A flowchart is used to visually represent an algorithm. It consists of different shapes that have a different name in the context of programming. These shapes have their own functions in the flowchart. 
  • Arrow (flow line) is used to indicate the direction of the process by connecting to other shapes.
  • Oval (terminal block) is used to represent the start and end of a program.
  • Rectangle (process block) is used to represent a step in the flowchart, such as initialization, computation, etc.
  • Diamond (decision block) is used to represent a decision-making process in the flowchart, it typically answers a true or false question.
  • Circle (connector) is used to indicate the continuation of the process of the flowchart on the same page, commonly used in complex algorithms.

Example of a flowchart.

And there you have it! Now that I've finished discussing the Basics of Programming. Are you finally ready to start your journey in programming?



  1. you can add 1 more step to your cooking boiled egg algorithm witch is: after the egg is cooked transfer the egg to a ice cold water.

  2. Could you slightly increase the size of the first image, I couldn't read it well.

    1. About that, you could click on the image to see it clearly.

  3. Provide links to additional resources or tutorials for readers who want to learn more.

    1. Sorry about that, I updated the references I used for this blog.

  4. I suggest use headings for better organization, provide clear examples for each concept, employ active voice for clarity, and incorporate visual aids effectively to enhance understanding and engagement.

    1. Thanks, but everything was already there before you suggested it.

  5. Overall it is a good introduction about programming but I would suggest using a better picture of a flowchart.


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